Snapple Roadsip & Facts for Flavors Game

Snapple went on a cross country roadtrip to let fans sample all their flavors and test their Snapple fact knowledge with the Facts for Flavors game.

Stats for the nerds:
This work drove 872MM earned media impressions and 250K+ influencer impressions.
The Roadsip social campaign outperformed benchmark clickthrough rate by +33% driving site and game plays.

Game Promotion

For Snapple fans that couldn’t make it to one of our roadtrip locations, we offered the Facts for Flavors game online.
We spread the word about the game with a series of social videos that linked directly to the quiz.

IRL Roadsip Promotion

Facts for Flavors Game

The game had multiple choice and true/false questions based on real Snapple Facts.

AD: Jelena Kolomejac

CW: Ally Layton

CDs: Shiran Teitelbaum & Brynn Good

Designers: Desmond Hsu

Agency: Deutsch LA